Archive for davis
So, apparently I had this done on tuesday, but since its finals week I forgot. Whoops!
I’m hoping to give Andromeda a bit more characterization this chapter.
So, that was one hell of a smash cut, I know. Don’t worry some – not all, but some – of what Akila told Octavian will be explained, and next week there will be a flashback to why on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 14, Page 12: Do Blow Your Top
Because you didn’t think Akila being able to teleport at will would only be used once, did you?
Chapter 14, Page 9: Do not try this at home
Chapter 14, Page 6: Poor Sinner’s Hand
Hi everyone! Sorry its taken me so long to give another update, I’ve recently moved into my first proper apartment and then had my power cut for four days due to a bad windstorm tearing up electric poles. While I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So a while back, when I was explaining the various magic used in chapter 13, I mentioned that there were ways to “cheat” the laws of physics that the comic uses for its basis of magic. I was talking about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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