• How did you come up with this idea?
    • I was laying in bed one night, coming up with ideas for stories, and a character idea popped into my head. I built a scene from there, and from there, more characters and a whole world. If you’re wondering why I’m so cryptic, you haven’t seen the scene yet.
  • Did you make all this?
    • Yes, all the art, text and website are all original. I’ve been drawing for as long as I could remember, but I recently started drawing A TON more.
  • Why?
    • I was going through some hard times (loss) in my life, and I kind of “drew my way out.” It was kind of an escape for me, and I built my own world. Kinda sounds like that song from Hamilton.
  • What is this comic rated? (E.G.G, PG, PG-13)
    • The first four chapters are fine for everybody, pretty much, but chapter five onward should be around PG-13. I will censor any swearing, but some of the characters have backstories that aren’t exactly… pleasant.
  • What kind of story is this?
    • I’d say it’s “an animesque urban fantasy action romance.” That should cover it. (Note: for those of you who aren’t really a big fan of love stories, I try to balance out the “Mushy heartwarming scenes” with “Scenes where characters punch/kick/shoot each other.)
  • Why all the references to other stuff?
    • Mainly it’s little nods to stuff I appreciate or enjoy. Good luck finding all of them.
  • What’s with all the references to Scott Pilgrim?
    • Let’s just say I have a blue parka in my closet. Nuff’ said.