Archive for octavian
Chapter 14, Page 9: Do not try this at home
Chapter 14, Page 7: Go do whatever
Chapter 14, Page 3: The defining trait of humankind
So a while back, when I was explaining the various magic used in chapter 13, I mentioned that there were ways to “cheat” the laws of physics that the comic uses for its basis of magic. I was talking about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 13, Page 38: A Dangerous Disgrace
Whew! finals done! Now, with that out of the way, I can get to a few things I’ve been keeping under the rug. First off: I made a 3D model of Akila! It was for one of my finals, which[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Finals week, been busy. Have some art of the Lady in White for now.
Chapter 13, Page 36: A Wound Unhealed by Time
\ The ghost chosen to be kept shows her face once again.
If you’re curious about the riddle from last week, the answer is curiosity. Also, things are heating up! Normally I hate it when stories do dramatic POV switches like this, but this opportunity was too good to not take advantage[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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