Chapter 2, Page 7: And so it begins
This is the real start of the story. I could have left the rest out. (Theo is programming java on “JCreator”. It’s the only java software I know.)
This is the real start of the story. I could have left the rest out. (Theo is programming java on “JCreator”. It’s the only java software I know.)
Theo is afraid of anything involving death. Especially death itself.
I guess that’s a running joke now.
I have no idea how chris got permission to decorate his office like this. (Ok, maybe I do, but I don’t want to give any spoilers.) Orignally, The wall behind Chris’ desk had a poster for D/Generation (The Amiga game,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Again, The art gets better. Just wait till chapter 4.
Again, My friends talk to each other like this. Except with more cursing.
I really had fun making up the fake movie titles of this one. Also, drawing that bridge was a nostalgia – inducing experience for me. As a young kid, I played a game (I googled the name, it’s called “pontifex[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My friends and I talk to each other like this. Also, I want that shirt Theo wears.
Not much else to say other than I think I drew a pretty good koi in the fish tank.
TNF has a bunch of hidden stuff in it. This panel is no exception.
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