If you’re a long-time reader, you’re probably used to my yearly shilling for the twitch jingle jam charity event, but if you haven’t it’s a 14 day series of videogame livestreams that has all donations during that period going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for octavian
Chapter 12, Page 13: Renton and Garrick
In a moment of extreme moronity, I forgot to hit the publish button despite this being done on tuesday. Oops.
Chapter 12, Page 6: The Drill That Will Pierce the Heavens
Hey guys! Hope you all are doing ok! I apologize for my tardiness, doing the decoration on that drill took ages, as you can honestly expect. I’ve also got some minor side news unrelated to the comic, about something that I’ve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So yeah, I know this page is unfinished, but I didn’t want a repeat of last week. Better than nothing. Also, I feel a bit of an explanation is in order when it comes to the whole dynamic between[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 12: page 2: Bearer of the burden
Hey guys! not much text this week, but I’ve got a few things: One, Davis has new hair! I restyled it into more of a weird spiky haircut rather than the bumps he had before, and I really like it![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 11, page 20: Madness, Our Old Friend
I think this is the first time in the whole comic she’s smiled. I honestly found it a bit creepy, which means my efforts have been successful.
Chapter 11, Page 13: No Escape
She’s baaaack.
Chapter 11, Page 6: Bonk
Hey guys! sorry for no text last week, I was real tired when I made the comic so I never really got around to writing it. You didn’t miss much. A few of you were probably wondering what on earth[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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