Featuring the most obscure reference yet!If you’re a long-time reader, you’re probably used to my yearly shilling for the twitch jingle jam charity event, but if you haven’t it’s a 14 day series of videogame livestreams that has all donations during that period going to chairity, and has out given out over 20 MILLION dollars for charity in its 6 year lifetime, the vast majority of which comes in small amounts of 30ish dollars. It’s for a good cause, and you get a buttload of video games their devs have kindly given out for free, and even if you’re not into computer games giving a few bucks can’t hurt. But, I’m sure you’re asking, what does this have to do with my comic being delayed? Well, every year they have a “competition” (in quotes as there’s no real prize) for making Christmas videos involving cats in some way, and I made my first one after years of procrastinating. It took ages and working on it slowed my PC to a crawl due to the required amount of visual memory. It’s embedded below.

Every one of those clips had to be clipped from hour long youtube videos, reversed in sync with the music, and then stitched together in one massive line. The final video is 311 megabytes. It was a lot of work. To tide you over for the comic, I did draw that Squid Akila I talked about last week.
I know what you're thinking, but no, Akila is forbidden to use those tentacles how you'd expect her to.