Yes, Theo is naked here.

Hey guys! Hope you all had a good week. There’s probably one more week of this black background after this, and then it’ll be back to the normal comic. I don’t have tons of news or new art this week, but I made on a bit of extra unimportant lore to clarify what exactly the rules Theo had to follow in the fight were.  Here’s the list:

  • Do not attempt to trick your opponent to gain an advantage. This includes mind control, using exact words to twist meanings, and straight-up lying. If forced into a corner by a question, it is best to refuse to give an answer, as compared to lying about it. Making a mistake and saying something you did not know was false is allowed. The important thing to consider is if there was intent to deceive.
  • Methods such as mind control and telekinetically breaking bones that cause an instant victory are banned.
  • Attacks must be made while the opponent can defend themselves. Therefore, killing opponents in their sleep, or choosing to fight them when they are not carrying a weapon is not allowed.
  • All fights must start with the defender being explained the rules. If an opponent breaks a rule without being explained it, they have not done anything to warrant excessive action.
  • If either fighter breaks a rule after being explained it, the other fighter is allowed to disobey the rules as well.

Note; This isn’t an established code of rules – it’s basically something only the lady in white goes by. That said, her reasons for employing said rules are unknown. Is it a form of elveling the playing field, an act of mercy? Is it just her toying with her victims? Who knows.*



*Ok, if you must know, there IS a canon reason, but I won’t tell you.