Do you prefer BEPIS or CONK?Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I had some personal stuff, along with a last minute freak out when (for some reason) my website decided to not want to connect to my PC, making me worry if my site had been hacked or something. It hadn’t, which is why in writing this on my phone right now. I dont have any major events or anything to say about the comic, other than that drawing crushed soda cans is hard. Important note about the situation Theo’s in right now – the lady saying she won’t mind control him isnt 100% accurate. Technically, she is doing a bit of minor mind control – which is basically making him too terrified to move or scream. However, as shown in the comic, shes not the type of person to flat out lie to your face, and she gets rather upset if you do it to her. I’ve been asked what type of villain she is, and the best way I have to sum it up is this: She is cold, but not cruel. She’ll murder you, but won’t kill your friends for the heck of it. Shes also kind of my response to antagonists being either a great planner and manipulating the whole plotline but being weak and weedy, or being strong enough to tear a man in half, but dumb as a sack of bricks. Yes, she’s a strong, dangerous person you wouldn’t want to fight – but she also has a wonderful brain. That said, even the most powerful antagonist has a weak point – something that can be used against them – but, in classic smart antagonist fashion, it’s a secret she guards with her life – literally. No more hints.


I also did this art of calamitas, whose boss fight took three hours of my life I will never get back.
Hardest boss I've fought in a long time.