"The walls between the sane world and that unplumbed dimension of delirium are tenuously thin here."

So, that was one hell of a smash cut, I know. Don’t worry some – not all, but some – of what Akila told Octavian will be explained, and next week there will be a flashback to why on earth the cast is now in Siberia. (If you’re perceptive, you might already know where they are specifically.) Now – a bit of pre-emptive defense on my part – there are reasons why I’m not going to spell out what exactly Akila told Octavian word for word, and the best way I can explain it, without spoiling what exactly she told him, was that Akila is meant to have a bit of a mystique about her. It’s like a monster in a horror movie – its better to show it out of focus, or obscured by darkness, or in some other situation you never get a clear look at the whole thing. The Akila we see is only part of the “real” being that is Akila, and her knowledge is similar. It is big, scary knowledge, and as a person in the universe it would be… likely to prompt a certain kind of existential dread, akin to the reaction some have upon seeing the earth from space – but as a reader, not knowing is infinitely more interesting. So no, what Akila told him is never going to be spelled out in concrete terms. You’ll get a rough idea of what it relates to though, mostly due to Octavian’s actions in the chapter.