Violet can kick some serious ass.

Note: In the actual comic, Violet would swear a few times on this page. Uncensored version here.

So this week’s comic is the 100th page! WOO! YEAAAAH!

In order to celebrate, I made a little quiz. It’s not 100% done, but it can still be played. I’ll add new questions every once in a while. You can find it here.

I also drew that Creature From the Black Lagoon poster parody I talked about a while back, except of putting Akila on the poster I just put a generic fish – girl. Interesting note about Akila (that I definitely didn’t come up with right now) – She hates being called a fishperson. She’s ok with being called a fishgirl (as long as it’s not said in an insulting nature), but the term “fishperson” is more reminiscent of the sort of fish-headed monster-men seen in old horror movies and some classic scary stories. (You know the ones I’m talking about.) Oh, and here’s that poster I talked about (click for full size image)

"I will now pleasure myself with this fish" - Suzaku, Code Geass Also of note: The fishperson on the poster is not my character (or at least her design isn’t mine.) She was drawn by another artist, but I can’t show it because A. I don’t know the name of the original artist, and B. I don’t have permission to post the original art. Sorry.

Also it’s time for me to talk about stuff I like! Great!

I can’t believe I haven’t talked about National Broadcast Network here yet. He (I think they’re a he) is the composer of this music that I can only describe as “The Kinks meets New Order”. Think Guitars, Drums, but Beeping noises. He’s one of my favorite artists online, and I’ve found quite a few other artists through him. Here’s one of his songs to give you an idea of his style. (He also wrote Rumble in the Garden, the song which this page is named after. Link here. You can find all his albums of his own creation on his bandcamp page, linked here.

I might put out another game description next week, but don’t count on it. These fight scenes are a doozy to make.

Also, if you were wondering who “Miranda Vanderbilt” and “Rory Rigwell” (from the poster) are, one is a fishgirl from a branching – story video game, and the other is an NPC from Fallout 4 who tried to make friends with a bunch of mutated sea life, which did not end well.  You should be able to figure out which is which.