Time is an illusion.


When I started this I wasn’t sure if I would make it a single year, let alone six, and I wasnt sure if the story would last two years or a decade to complete – but I wanted to tell it anyway. Honestly, what has kept the series going, week after week after week – isn’t some motivation about making money, to improve my artstyle, or even to just tell the story itself – it’s just good old sunk cost fallacy. Not that I dont enjoy drawing this comic – I very much do – but the fact that (in a way) if the comic just stopped here all the previous years of effort would have no payoff in the form of a finished product keeps me going. And the great thing is, the longer the story goes on, the stronger that motivation gets. It’s been one of the very few – possibly only – regularly scheduled things in my life I’ve managed to keep up with, and I take a lot of pride in that. Anyway, now that me monologing is finished, I do have one minor announcement: As you know, I dont like the idea of having money involved in my comics at all – I dont want the motivation for my art to be anything other than the art itself. That said, I’ve often entertained the idea of making some shirts with my characters, and while there’s not really any place I know that I could reasonably sell them, if you want one , you have my permission to use the above art to print on a shirt or a towel or whatever. It’s not like theres a market for very obscure webcomic prints on clothing regardless.

Anyway, chapter 14/ Part 3 starts… tommorrow. See you then.