#2596be >>> #FFFFFF


Hey guys! Hope you all are doing real well. I tried to do a more monochromatic color scheme for this week’s page, and I feel it turned out real well. As for the content in the comic, you now know why the lady in white wears the dress she does. While it is quite stylish, the fact of it being backless is more or less for her wings. She’s meant to be a rather good – looking character, (in a sort of graceful, elegant sort of way), but due to the fact she’s trying to murder Theo, he doesn’t really think about her appearance all that much. As I’ve said, we more or less see the world through Theo’s eyes, so before this, Theo couldn’t see her wings. They were still there – but she was more or less making them appear invisible to him, and if you or I saw her walking down the street we wouldn’t see them either,. It’s common for antagonistic characters to have some kind of characteristic that makes them look somewhat evil or untrustworthy (think Blofeld from James Bond‘s facial scars, or Voldemort’s pale, grey skin), but I tried to do the opposite with her – she doesn’t really have a visible thing that makes her look evil. That said, I did intentionally make her look a little off, with her empty glasses and tall, thin body – but I wanted her to be more unnerving than straight up malformed. I feel her glasses are her more or less defining feature, as without them she looks just like every other dark haired evil witch. The only thing that would look odd to you or I would probably be her height, as she’s even taller than Violet (who’s six foot eight). But yeah, overall she’d look like a normal person, but something about her would put you a little on edge. Speaking of which, I did a piece of side art of her. Enjoy, and see you next week.

Don't stick your dick in crazy.