Yeah, I now realize her dress is kinda revealing. It wasn't meant to be, as she's not meant to be a "sexy" character, but too late now.
Hey everyone! You might have noticed how this page is noticeably darker than the last one, (mainly because I feel the red looks better that way), but don’t worry! Last week’s page is updated, and below is a comparison of the two pages. Make up your own mind which you prefer. I know which one I like more. A bit of explanation on this page’s weird title. “OOO” is more or less a stand in for “???” in Asian countries. I wanted to use “???”, but that makes the hyperlinks kinda weird, so I went with “OOO” instead. You can also see “XXX” being used this way. Another note about the comic: The lady isn’t speaking. She’s basically putting the words right into Theo’s head using telepathy, and it’s somewhat hard to show the way she speaks in text, as she puts emphasis on words in unusual ways, and does a lot of dramatic pauses, as if she was trying to think up what exact words she should use. You can see a bit of it in her text on the page, but I had to cut a few of the pauses out, so there wouldn’t be pauses after each word in the sentence. Not much else is going on for me, but I feel this is the best page in the chapter so far. See you next week.

Oof Intimidating characters don't need to talk.