Yeah the flyer shouldn't be in english I don't care

So yeah, this is this week’s comic! Not much more to say about that. I’ve been trying to find where I saved the copy of the Minecraft recreation of the sort of house the characters all live in, but I can’t seem to find where I saved it in my old hard drive. I’ve also been working on the remaster of the halloween animation, but work has been kinda slow due to me having a lot of school work to do.

A few comments about the comic overall this week – I’ve been asked if Akila has green blood due to her having green skin, and I myself think she doesn’t. (If you look at the few times she gets flushed, she blushes red.) I’d say she just has green skin pigmentation, instead of the melanin that humans have – meaning Akila wouldn’t tan, and would probably sunburn easily. Which makes sense, since most UV rays don’t make it underwater, so she wouldn’t need it. Also, there’s a bit of a misconception going around about Akila – She does not have scales – she has skin, like humans. She’s in fact hairless – with the exception of the hair on her head – she has no hair growth anywhere on her body, to reduce drag when swimming, and since she doesn’t need a layer of hair to keep warm underwater. (I know this is a weird detail to have included, but I try and keep my creatures realistic to life, and I enjoy thinking about what she’d evolve living underwater.) My best guess is her skin would be kinda like a whale or dolphin. Just a guess, there aren’t many mammals without hair.