Sorry no full body female pic this week

Hey guys! Sorry about there not being any text last week, I was feeling the worst I had in a while. I’m feeling much better now though, but I still don’t know what it was that I came down with. It was weird: There was no fever, but I was really lightheaded and my stomach felt all sloshy. My best guess would be I ate something weird. Due to Coronavirus (or COVID-19, if you want to be all sciencey), my college is going to be online classes for the rest of the year, so I can get more work done.

Also, in comic, here’s where that long awaited magic explanation is. Most of the way magic works in comic can be described as a sort  of manipulation of energy, such as heating things up or moving things around. As far as magic goes, it’s fairly realistic – everything you could do with it is possible in the real world, it’s just that you’re doing it with your mind. The only part that’s unrealistic about it (besides the whole thing about magic existing) is how people can get it from killing each other. That’s one of the oldest features of magic from my comic, before I had it all fleshed out, and it’s pretty important to the plot of the story so I can’t change it. But yeah, it’s a realistic magic system – most of it is justified through actual physics .If I felt like it, I could do energy calculations to make sure stuff could happen, but is it really worth it?