Rocks are hard to draw.

Hey guys! Glad to see you checking in again! As you might have noticed by this point, I’ve been experimenting with different light effects, as you can see by the godrays in the big panel, and the light coming through the stained glass windows on the last page. I know this week’s page is simpler than normal, but that’s because I spent a lot of time on a project, which is posted below.



So yeah, it’s basically that old 1 year photo, but with all the characters, and with the new updated art. Each character is a fully body layer, so I’ll release a gif with each of them displayed on their own so you can see what they look like.

Lars where are you putting your hand...The best way to explain what Kat means about the passage of time is to set up a kind of scenario. Imagine you’re in somewhere pitch black. It’s completely dark, and the only thing you’re aware of is that you exist. You’d be able to feel time passing, but after a while you’d have trouble figuring out just how long it has been. Because of this, you can’t pin down a Nereid’s age very well – but Akila had lived with the Nereids for quite a long time before she stopped being with them. I’m not going to say why she left, but as with the other characters, it’s not a super happy story. However, a few details of it might be one of those things that’s not going to be fully revealed. Sorry, there’s in – story justification though.