Was Violet not a fan because she was jealous of Akila, or was it because she felt Akila could steal Octavian from her? You decide.

Sorry it took me a bit to get around writing this, I just don’t have that much to really write about at the moment. I’ve been working on the ongoing script for the comic some, and I’ve been revising and re – revising the exact way things are worded. Other than that, I’m out of my first year of college, so I have a bit of time to sit and relax. I made a gif animation of comparing all the character’s heights, so I’ll post that below. I’l also repost it next week just in case you all missed reading this. Note: There will be some stretching due to the images of the characters being taken from the picture of all of them, and since some of them are in the back due to perspective they had to be enlarged.

Don't ask me why everyone is so tall.