Don't screw with mages. They will mess you up.

So yeah, this… This isn’t going to end well for the bearded guy, if you couldn’t tell. I feel this page turned out really well, with the shading, and I think the second panel posing looks really good. And yes, if you couldn’t tell, the lady does have magical powers. More or less she’s preventing him from moving, and that’s why he’s glowing. I feel each character with magic has their own sort of “color” that their powers have: Theo has that sort of greenish – blue, The lady above (her name will remain unknown for a while) has red, and Andromeda has a light sky blue. I’m thinking of giving the one other magical character in the comic, Akila, a sort of Pinkish – Red color, but I’m not sure about that.

There’s been something about the comic’s universe that I’ve been meaning to clear up for a while, but kept forgetting to: The existence of firearms in the comic. It’s not uncommon for fantasy novels to not use guns, but as this isn’t a strictly fantasy setting, I decided to add them in. Most people in the comic’s world DO actually use guns in fights (with the occasional knife wielder), but the characters in the main comic (Kat, Orion, Octavian, Etc), don’t really want to kill anybody, and it’s just as easy to intimidate with a knife as with a gun. This is why Katrina actually uses a crossbow – Due to the large size, a loaded crossbow pointed at your throat is arguably more intimidating than a pistol – and since Kat has moral objections to killing people, it works just fine for her. She will use it if she feels it’s necessary, however – her fight with Violet on the rooftops, for example – if she feels her life is endangered, and neither wounding or intimidation are options, she will shoot to kill.

Another note about that fight with Violet: Violet didn’t go bezerk when Katrina shot her. She nearly did – which would have been Kat’s death – but she managed to hold it together. Violet’s rage is mainly triggered by adrenaline and/or pain, and Kat shooting her nearly did – but as Kat went down so fast that the fight was over quickly, and her anger levels didn’t have time to fully emerge. The fight with the robots, however, she did lose control, and honestly (and I may have said this before)  the only reason those enemies were robotic were so I could have Violet literally tear their limbs off without soaking the panels in red. Well that, and so they’d fit with Trak-R 96000 being robotic and all. If I ever redraw the Violet vs Robots fight scene, I’ll probably make the robots look a bit more skeletal, as they’re meant to kinda look like, well, robotic skeletons.

Haven’t done any real side art this week, I’ve been busy with college. My goal is to have that redraw of the wounded Vi done by next week, as since that’s an important panel I’m going to redraw it.

See you next week.