Glow Effects! And The World Rejoiced!

Hey guys! Hope you all are feeling better than I am this week. I’m taking an antibiotic and it’s screwed up my digestion and stuff, along with making it hard to focus, which is why this page is late. (There were also some new poses I had to do with Vi.) Speaking of Violet, the reason she wears gloves and did wear a mask is she’s really ashamed of her… missing bits. That said, Octavian doesn’t really mind at all, so it’s one of the reasons they’re such a nice couple. I love the Theo and Kat relationship, but not much can beat Vi and Octavian. They’re just made for each other. I really like the design of Violet’s dress, and fun fact:  Violet originally wore hairsticks (which she got from her mother while they were still around) in her bun, but I removed them as I kept forgetting to draw them. I planned on having her wear them at the dance scene, but then I did a concept of her letting her hair down and I preferred it.