Vi may not have said much, but she's watching. Intently.

Hey guys! Sorry for not having text under the last pages, I thought I’d save it up for one big sort of lore dump that I hope would be more satisfying to read! So I’ll list the special notes about the last few pages below.

  • If any of you have looked at the habit of dress and overall color scheme of Samuel and his ancestors and gotten a rather sinister vibe, congratulations! You got played! (Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.) A short explanation: Samuel’s (and his family’s) overall style and taste in decoration were meant to give off of a bit of “obviously evil bad guy” sort of vibe, and well, while I’m unsure if I did a good job, have you seen anybody in a fantasy setting whose sigil takes the form of a giant eyeball that isn’t at least somewhat amoral? But no, Samuel’s in general a pretty good guy. Sure, he may constantly lie through his teeth (and is also very good at aforementioned lying), but he has good intentions for it.
  • If you were very perceptive, you may have noticed andromeda’s robe got a very subtle redesign. Slight color changes, and better cloth physics. Actually, I’ve been working on my fabric physics in general, and while it may not be too noticeable I feel I’ve been making some good progress.
  • 90% of everything in the background of Samuel’s room with any detail to it is a reference to something. None of them have any importance to the story that I can think of.
  • Speaking of background objects, the little banner behind Octavian two pages back, as far as I know, is correct Latin. Although when a sizable percentage of nouns have 100 different versions, (not an exaggeration) and each version is used at different times, all bets are off.