The next 2 pages are just Theo and Lars talking. Sorry about that. Also, Akila and Vi have Charicter pages!

As you saw, I was talking about something I referred to as “The Caverns”.  It’s basically an entire dimension (Actually it’s more of an alternate earth) that is all underground and cave systems. Currently, the surface has not been found. Iron is incredibly abundant, and gold and silver are also fairly common as well.  It is likely that the caves were formed like ones on earth, with water eating away limestone and other soft sedimentary rocks. Gemstones can also be found in certain areas, (yes, I know most gemstones are formed by magma, not ALL the rock is sedimentary), and are mined and sold. Since gemstones and precious meals are not very expensive, all sorts of things are made from them, like the staffs in the closet in chapter 3. Also, The Caverns dimension’s first (and only) city, (aptly called Cave City), is the major supplier of steel and iron products (like armor) for basically every world / dimension in the comic. The main reason armor is used, even though guns are a thing, is that not all guns can pierce armor. Some can – but most can’t. The armor is not just iron or steel – it’s made varying kinds of alloys, usually consisting of steel, copper, titanium, aluminium, cobalt and rare earth metals. Platinum and gold are used occasionally, but usually for decorative purposes, or for electroplating. Some armor is mass – produced, and is anodized in lots of pretty colors, which is how Lars’ armor is red, and Orion’s is blue. (Yes, I know Orion hasn’t been seen in armor yet. He will.) Since the Treeborn don’t have all that much money, they can only afford two sets of armor, and they are likely the most precious objects they own.

I really like the highlights on Orion's hair here.  I’ve been playing a lot of XCOM2 lately, and I made my squad characters from my comic. (for those of you who don’t know what XCOM2 is: It’s a remake/ sequel of an old game XCOM: UFO DEFENSE, in which aliens have conquered earth and you lead the underground human resistance. It’s fun.) My squad was made up of Katrina (Heavy Gunner), Violet (Demolitions), Octavian (Hacker), Lars (Medic), Orion (Sniper), and another character, who will be the next introduced, was the leader. Also, there’s an enemy in the game (which I absolute despise due to their ability to clone themselves when injured) called a codex, and their “head” (they’re robotic) looks a lot like violet’s mask: (sorry about the poor image quality, it’s the best I could find. And yes, The blur is intentional – they look kinda like what you would expect a person glitching out would look like – they’re in a state of “constant flux”.)Ok, Violet doesn't have a ray gun (or that nice of a figure) but it's close enough. Kinda.