Stop Staring

Now with an animated version here.

A bit of explanation of the title:  Scylla was this greek sea monster / nymph that nobody could really decide who to have as her parents. (Greek mythology is full of stuff like this – some debated parents are Hecate (hearth goddess), triton (Sea God) and a bunch of other people I have no Idea who they are. She (Scylla) was a nymph (the nature spirit kind) and, typical of Greek mythology, she was really good looking. Somebody (again, it’s debated) was jealous of her for some reason (either because of her looks or her lovers) and they somehow used a potion on the water she lived in to turn her into this giant monster with the upper body of a woman, 3 dog heads on her hips, and a giant serpent – like tail instead of legs. Apparently, some monster hunter killed her after she ate one too many ships. As time went on, a “Scylla” became the name for a monster – human hybrid with the upper body of a woman / girl and tentacles on her lower half, like Akila.


Also in about 2-3 weeks there are a couple of pages people might find slightly disturbing. There will be blood, and people with weaker stomachs might not want to read it. If you decide not to, I’ll explain what happened afterwards.