Spoiler: Said "White Haired Gentleman" is a lady.

Author’s note: We’ve been chapter 5 for roughly a year now. (technically 362 days, but it’s 52 pages.)
I do not have anything special planned for this occasion, other than to say there is a NEW CHARACTER being introduced next week! (She’s the one I talked about leading my XCOM team a long time ago.) Anyway, I think she’s cool. So yeah, be on the lookout for her.

Also drew this drawing of some powered armor that I can say with near 100% certainty will not be in the comic. Here it is anyway because I’m fairly proud of it. (Click for full size image. It is Big.)

Heavily inspired by the Warhammer 40,000 Space Marines. I think they're pretty cool, and I'm a fan of the way the imperium's ships look.