Yeah. I know. That's a lot of characters.


So now you see what I meant by “I have my hands full”. There’s 116 different characters on here, see how many you recognize! (Can you find three top hats, Abraham Lincoln, and a floating head?) A list will be posted next week.

I’d talk about stuff but seriously I’m tired as heck after drawing this. My estimate for this page is it took me over 30 hours to fully complete this – from first line drawn to submitting this comic. Whew. This whole comic con sequence is the oldest scene in the comic, and outdates the comic itself – I had an idea one night about a few characters I made up (one being an archer girl named Katrina) going to a comic – con and then… well, stuff happens. Can’t say much about it.

I’ve been to a comic – con  (as I’ve said earlier) and this is pretty accurate, except there would be people selling merch everywhere. It is this packed. Also, if you’re wondering why there isn’t anybody like Batman or Mario here, is because having them is likely to get me sued if I ever try and sell this.  I’ve stuck with using some lesser known characters. Also I’m near – certain I screwed up with the layers SOMEWHERE – I’ve got over 120 layers in this file – so if you see some lines overlapping in ways they shouldn’t, or some area not being colored in, it was inevitable. Also not every character will look exactly like the character it is supposed to be.