Akila is getting progressively more sexual - looking each time I draw her.I think I made Akila’s head too small in the last panel. She’s still cute though.

Overall, I feel this page turned out pretty well. I’m rather proud of it. Ok, comic news! I’m finalizing the special thingy that will happen when we reach 100 comic strips, which likely will be another sort of quiz thing, much like the “Which character are you” thing but this time hopefully in a java file so you all can run it. Yay!(?)

Also fun fact: Trak – R’s character design is nearly unchanged from when he was first drawn, over two years ago. His gun – sight eyeball thing was inspired by a villain design I made up when I was young. He was called something like “Sureshot”, and had the targeting lines in a single, bionic eye that took up most of his face. If I can find the drawing, I’ll post it. Also, fun fact – Trak-R can switch out his hands. I don’t know why, but I thought having a drill would be cool for his first appearance, but I’ve also drawn a grappling hook hand, a cannon hand, a sword hand (Which you can see on the original drawing of him) and some kind of gravity – gun – esque thing. He’s pretty cool.