Kat's going to need some stress relief after this.

So this is the last page of book one! I can’t beleive we’re here already! Anyway, I’m not 100% sure I’m going to get this printed anytime soon, since it suffers the same problem as the tshirts – I would have to charge a lot for them. If I do publish them in book form, there might be a few subtle edits, such as dialog changes, fixing art mistakes and the like. I plan on re-writing the scene where (spoilers) Ezra hits his neck and dies, as the dialog seemed a bit narmy and could use a bit of massaging. (Note: “Narm” is a term used for when a dramatic moment in a work doesn’t come off as dramatic, and is often funny instead. Think “Good” Bad movies, such as Tommy Wisaeu’s “hit” The Room.) I’m not saying Ezra biting the dust was funny per se, but it seemed a bit sudden and seemed slightly melodramatic. So it’s the only page I’m considering redrawing. (Other than the one where I experimented with the anime eyes. I’d rather forget that even exists.) I’m still not sure if I’ll have mini three paneled comics about just random discussions by the characters, or cut content, or what, but there will be something during the few weeks off. I plan on hopefully getting a page or two done in advance so I can get a buffer of pages in case I’m comatose or something – because you never know. I’m really looking forward to book/part II, as the story is actually in motion now and I finally get to introduce the main antagonist, who is probably my favorite character writing wise. I’ll try and keep the comic somewhat lighthearted, but do keep in mind this comic is meant for teenagers, so there may be a few creepy bits here and there. And yes, there will continue to be occasional blood, although nothing worse than Violet’s backstory. (I also plan on retouching that panel as well, now I can do anatomy better.) I had to do a few minor edits to page 5-7 with the order of the books, and I did a concept of Circe in a dress which probably won’t make it in the comic. See below.

Circe (and anybody who trains from her) gets the purple triangle markings tattooed on them.

Sorry I didn’t get around to that game review last week – by the time I had published the comic my body was just about dead tired, and I went to bed early. It was a long day.
But… I did do it for this week! Woot!

This week/month, the game of discussion is called Barotrauma. It’s a multiplayer game that is mainly about dying in a submarine. Because you will die. A lot. Following is a list of ways you can bite the dust in the subterranean oceans that the game takes place in. You can die from: Being shot, being eaten by seamonsters, crushed by water pressure, infected with alien parasites, burned to death, blown up by a railgun, poisoned by chemicals, rammed by a submarine, gibbed by an exploding nuclear reactor, impaled on a harpoon, exploded by a bomb, killed by a mutinous crewmate, eaten by seamonsters INSIDE THE SUB, die of suffocation (inside),killed by a depth charge, melted by an alien plasma cutter, die from improperly handling nitroclycerin, and, of course, drown.
It’s still fun, because you can easily respawn like nothing ever happened, and set sail on a magically fixed submarine. Mix in general incompetence and one of your crewmates running around in a clown costume honking a bike horn (don’t ask), and it’s a pretty good time. You can even create your own submarines, but the editor is hard to learn – so it’s best to just download other people’s. Oh and there’s a mission where you hunt down a giant worm the size of a skyscraper. (See below.) The graphics are ok at best, and it’s 2D, but it’s part of the charm. There is a version on steam, but as of right now it’s going for around $25 and in my mind isn’t worth it. Still, it’s bound to go on sale eventually. It’s a fun game if you’ve got friends to play it with, and I do recommend it.HELLO TINY HUMANS