Hrrrgh, Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the guards.

Hey guys! Sorry the text is a bit late this week, I had a lot of work and was barely able to get this comic out as it is.

As I’ve stated, I’ve been trying to work on my anatomy lately, and one of the ways I’ve been trying to practice is more full – body shots of the characters. I wanted to have Violet extend down the whole page, but that kinda screwed up the formatting of the panels, so I had to cut it off at her thighs. Also, I get a lot of comments about how Violet’s arms are too long, but that’s on purpose. They reach roughly down to her knees, and I’m not sure why they do, other than a way to make her stand out amongst the characters. They do tend to help her in fights though, as she can hit someone from farther away, allowing her to basically knock somebody out before they get too close. I’ve also been asked why Violet wears her nylon suit thing, and the best reason I have is it’s kinda comfy. The real reason was that she was initially intended to be a lot sneakier and more ninja – like (as shown in her introduction), but she’s shifted into more of a bezerker – type fighter than somebody stealthy. Same thing with Akila – she was originally planned to kinda be all snarky and disapproving of Theo and kinda hold a grudge against him, but I’ve decided that didn’t really fit her character, so I tried to make her more friendly instead. Akila’s a pretty nice person, all things considered. If anyone would like to know WHY Kat and Violet hate each other (other than the mutual jealousy between them), Violet has a sort of imprinted fear in her mind that Octavian will leave her for Kat, as the two of them are rather close (and yes, they are canonically somewhat attracted to each other,) so Violet’s a bit irrationally worried that they’re going to get together, and since Octavian is more or less the only person she truly loves in this world, she’s pretty afraid of him giving her up to date Kat. That’s not going to happen – Octavian isn’t the kind of guy to dump a girl to go after another one – but there is a minor subplot about Octavian and Violet working out how their relationship isn’t the world’s healthiest. (For those of you interested, Violet is somewhat codependent on him. They’re working on it.) Since Violet is a much more major character than I initially planned, her side subplot (her getting better and feeling more comfortable with who she is) is going to feature at various points in the comic. Can’t say much more.

I don’t have any new finished side art, but I did do an edit of some existing art and give Kat’s dress some stockings to go with it. Looks decent, if I’m going to be honest. (I also did one where I made her outfit black, cause why not?)

Kat's going to have to be really careful not to stain that dress.

All she needs is a whip and Theo bound and gagged in the background to complete the "Dominatrix" look.