Hey guys, sorry for having trouble uploading this week. I know this week’s page is kinda basic, but hopefully I can make up for it by finishing the remaster of the part II trailer I released last Halloween next week. I know I haven’t been saying much below the comics in a while, but that’s mainly due to me not having a ton to talk about, comic wise. I think this is the last page in chapter 8, with next chapter being the big happy dance chapter. There will be tuxedos and dresses. Can’t say much beyond that, but if you all have been looking forward to a chapter that’s a bit more lighthearted and happy, you’ll like chapter 9. I’m still working on the dresses for Violet and Andromeda, but I’ve got a basic idea fleshed out for Akila, and you’ve all seen Kat’s strapless dress in the aforementioned trailer. And not to make any spoilers, but yes, there will be a page or two where Kat and Theo dance, so if you’ve been waiting for them to at least acknowledge the fact they would be good together you’re soon in luck. One thing about Kat that I’ve said before: Kat is one of those people that likes to take their time when it comes to romantic relationships, so don’t expect anything exceptional. I’m looking forward to drawing it. See you next week.


P.S. I fixed Lars’ armor spikes, after like four years of struggling to make them look 3D. Finally.

Akila is froglike, not lizardlike.